Hurricane Weekend

This seems to be turning into the endless album project. It always is a big challenge to do these projects no matter how many times you have done one. Unanticipated stuff always pops up, so you put in a fudge factor for timing until completion for the project. But earthquakes, hurricanes and seemingly nonstop electrical storms I forgot to factor in. Sorry about that! So..., I hope to get back on track one of these days.

The past few days where spent preparing for Irene the Hurricane. Cleaning gutters, (always my favorite), putting everything away that could fly off and getting the piping ready in the basement for the FLOODING rains.

Got lucky and only had to stay up all night pumping out the basement when Irene was causing havoc. Didn't loose power, yet! But a tree fell in the street taking the power lines down across the street with it. I can't get out! Stuck here until the power company can clean it up.

From what I hear, this is pretty light damage in comparison to other places. I hope everyone is alright...(I've been saying that a lot lately.)

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