Real Quick...

Hi everyone! Just a quick note here – I've been working hard on the new album cover and I think I've finally nailed down what I want! Amazing isn't it?! Because I didn't know what I wanted in the first place. Like my music, you just jump in and things start to go where they're gonna go. No business plan, no plan! Ha Ha. I'll bet there are those out there that are laughing all the way to Wall Street when they hear this!!

Yep, that's the way I work. No plan! I think I get better results with this approach than trying to do something that doesn't go any where. Plans may work for some but usually not for me. And, I'm a musician. This is my job. To be and let be. So, along the way I come up with stuff that  others can look at, listen to and enjoy. Share this with others and they can share with even more people. Now that's ART!

Anyway, back to working on the album artwork. I think you'll like this one...

Coming real soon to your favorite music buying place, my new CD for YOU...

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